
Introduction to Python - Final Project 1. - Quiz Game

Quiz Game

Summary of the Project:

The project is a Python implementation of the quiz game. The game is designed to simulate the experience of playing the game, with features such as:

  1. A quiz game with 15 questions, each with a different point value. The code should generate 3 sets of 5 random questions and answers. These 3 sets are three difficulty levels (easy, moderate, and hard). The questions should gradualy progress from the easiest to the hardest.
  2. A scoring system that keeps track of the player’s points and displays them at the end of the game.
  3. A high score system that saves the player’s score and displays it in a leaderboard.
  4. A menu system that allows the player to choose between playing the game, viewing their high scores, viewing instructions on how to play, or quitting the game.

Guidelines for Students:

To complete this project, students will need to follow these guidelines:

  1. Quiz Game: The quiz game should be implemented using a class-based approach. The class should have methods for generating questions, checking answers, and keeping track of the player’s score. The game ends when the user enters a wrong answer or when all the questions are answered.
  2. Scoring System: The scoring system should be implemented using a dictionary that maps question numbers to point values. The system should also keep track of the player’s total score and display it at the end of the game.
  3. High Score System: The high score system should be implemented using a csv or json file. The system should save the player’s score and display it in a leaderboard.
  4. Menu System: The menu system should be implemented using a simple text-based menu that allows the player to choose between playing the game, viewing their high scores, viewing instructions on how to play, or quitting the game.
  5. API/Web Scraping: Students are encouraged to use APIs or web scraping techniques to fetch data from external sources. For example, they could use the Trivia API to fetch questions and answers.
  6. Error Handling: Students should implement error handling mechanisms to handle invalid user input, incorrect answers, and other potential errors that may arise during gameplay.

Suggestions for Using APIs or Web Scraping:

  1. Trivia API: Use the Trivia API to fetch questions and answers for different categories and difficulty levels.

Additional Tips:

  1. Use Commenting: Use comments to explain your code and make it easier for others to understand.
  2. Test Your Code: Test your code thoroughly to ensure that it works correctly and handles errors properly.
  3. Follow PEP8 Guidelines: Follow PEP8 guidelines for coding style and formatting.
  4. Use Version Control (optional): Use version control tools such as Git to track changes to your code and collaborate with others.
  5. External Files For Screen Outputs: Use external files for screen outputs such as a summary of the game, win/lose screen, instructions how to play, menu screen. Avoid using multiple line strings when possible.
  6. Implement Key Press detection and screen cleaning: Use key press detection and screen cleaning to make the game more responsive and user-friendly. There are differences between Windows and Unix systems, so you would have to detect which system is being used in order to have these options working.
  7. Make necessary setup files: Make necessary setup files for your projects:
    • .gitignore
    • requirements.txt
    • .env
  8. Use Documentation: Write documentation for your code and explain how it works, which technologies you are using, and features of your code.
  9. GitHub Upload: Upload your project to GitHub.
  10. YouTube Video: Record and upload a YouTube video of your project where you explain your code and the execution of it.

Additional Resources:


The project should be your showcase of Python knowledge and skills. It should be a fun and educational learning experience. And I will assist all of you to make it presentable and according to the industry standards.

This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.